- Alt subculture
- Trashy novels
- Artsy pretentiousness
- Authority
- Tactlessness
- Plain things
Yoseli, who insists you call her Josie, is a teenager who sees the art and romanticism in everything. She's also put a great deal of care into her image, hoping to cover her anxieties with a layer of manufactured cool. She is the younger sister of Lorenzo, and lives with him. When he suddenly disappears and she begins to suspect the worst, she takes off in a poorly calculated plan along with Enid to find and help him, In an effort to prove herself capable to anyone.
She tries to be calm and cool, but her passions bubble to the surface uncontrollably. As much as she tries being cool and beyond stereotypically emo, her care for others seeps through her words and actions. She cries at things she finds profound and defends herself by saying she gets things more than other people.
She has suffered a great deal of embarassement in her life from her passions, from either those in school or her own family. She's turned to her brother for most of the support in her life, idolizing him as someone near-perfect, even when his behavior lands him in the consequences of his own actions. If someone told her that people will still sometimes find her annoying, she would be horrified.
Josie has notably terrible media literacy, and is much more likely to get attached to something for the things she "finds cool." She tries emulating these in her appearance and work, which makes it come across as much more ameteur than she'd like to hear. This extends to her blogging and online presence, where she relies on heavy theming and fanciful wording to make herself seem more respected. Her "high concept" stories are usually her idea of something but better, with the original piece being of... dubious quality. Some would call her a poser.
However, even through this, it's clear to see she puts a lot of passion into whatever she makes, and will spend time working alone for hours-- even if she refuses criticism and instead refutes that it's just avant-garde. Her sense of fashion and tastes are all painfully true to herself, and she's gone to lengths to prove it, including eyeliner lipstick and many bathroom dye incidents. You'll find her favorite underground music is genuine and her love of some movies is heartfelt, even if it's for the completely wrong reasons.
She does best in math. She finds the intersection of music and mathematics interesting, and favors tracks with odd time signature and meter. Despite being what she's the best at, she keeps her process the most secretive, feeling like it's too close to her heart to let out into the world.
Josie is the second born child of the Morilla family and is the younger sister of Lorenzo. The two grew up together. By the time that the family had Josie, they had "improved" from how they had treated their son, giving her more freedoms and leeway. She is mostly unaware of their behavior in the past, and only catch glimpses of it from their behavior and comments around her brother.
Betraying her worries, Josie's magic reflects what she really wants: to be seen and heard. She launches electric energy from her bass guitar, which forces her to play what's dearest to her and put out her passions for the world to see. Even when one would assume she'd look nervous, she seems the most in her element when playing, allowing her dramatics and confidence to shine through.
To Josie, Lorenzo is someone who she loves over the world. He's been there when she's needed him most, from being at a party she didn't like to needing someone to help her bleach her hair. This dissonance is what causes her most of her worries about him, as the person she knows seems to be completely different from the person her parents talk about.
She can't deny that what her parents say isn't true. She's constantly concerned over his behavior, witnessing a messy on-and-off romance and shaky friendship since she was little. Josie hates feeling like she's been left in the dark about things when they seem so in her face. Her love of people like Enid, who she considers almost an aunt, contrasted with wondering why they just won't tell her what happened twists her heart.
Josie tries being his guardian when people turn against him, even when she can't help but believe what they say. But, what can she do? He's her brother.

Thinking Lams would be the end-all solution to all of her problems, Josie wanted to prove herself to Lams and those around her by appearing mysterious and intimidating. Once this quickly fell apart, the two began to talk more. Josie appreciates how bold Lams is, finding it admirable, and eventually becomes a little smitten by her. She hates this, though, and will go every single avenue to make it seem liks she doesn't have a crush... Or at least she thinks. She tries impressing her with niche bands and books Lams hasn't ever heard of, and hopes it will make her seem better than anyone else. The two consider each other down-to earth and connect often over the presence of the "adults" in their life.
Shocking Purple #ba4fe8
Another Tear Guitar Gabby
Chilly, ungodly hours
- Josie's hair is heat straightened. Her bleached strand is sufficiently fried from repeat ironing.
- She wants more piercings, but says that her mom won't let her get more. In reality she is afraid of getting helixes and nose piercings.
- She exaggerates her "vampire" image. She has fangs and she's going to be annoying about it.
- She has tons of notebooks with scrapped lyrics, ideas, and some really bad fiction.
- She attends San Marti school and has a part-time retail job. However, it's been a while since she's officially been on vacation.