Name Lluvia "Lams" Mar
Age 18
Pronouns Any
Height 5'6
Magic Water...?
Birthday June
Job Varsity Basketball
  • Being active
  • Food
  • Passionate people
  • Being lied to
  • Losing
  • Fancy clothes


Who is Lams? Everybody knows, except herself. Aware she was an attempt at a blank slate in a misguided attempt to "help," the botched job has left her with scattered memories and frustrating mission: To find who did this to her and fix it, no matter the cost.

Lams has little social awareness despite being friendly. It's not always in the way people would like, being excessively casual and sometimes coming off as too direct or rude. She's got little awareness of her own emotions and has trouble wording what she's got to say, leading her input to be overlooked by others.

Lams acts on impulse, giving everyone around her a sizable headache. To her, her gut is the best thing she has, and if things feel bad, something's wrong. This combined by her lack of explanation, surrounded by people who want explanation and control, drives them insane, which she thinks is completely illogical. After all, she's the one that's afflicted with all these problems, so she's the one they should listen to, right?

She isn't very aware of her own emotions and feels them strongly when she does. She tends to be drawn to passion and heartfelt things, and only gets a little embarassed when people make fun of her for it. She likes things the best when she can experience them, and starts getting bored when an explanation can drone on for hours.

Lams works on impulse, but her competitive streak can sometimes make her excessively stubborn over the smallest thing. This sometimes leads her to try something over and over againt to get it right, even if she starts frustrating herself over it. She hates giving up and knows if she does, she'll lose the chance to "win". If someone comments on how much time she's spending, she only gets more competetive, having to prove something to someone. This can range to her favorite things to activites completely out of her scope of talents, from sports to... drawing a tree?

She's not very pretentious at all and doesn't know why important films are important or important books are so good. She'll appreciate them, though. She's overall not very keen on the intricacies of the arts or sciencies but is happy to learn.

Despite the walk she walks, Lams is also prone to feeling guilty over her actions, but doesn't like to admit she was wrong-- thinking she'll lose and not be taken seriously if she does. Her hidden worries begin to bubble, and unfortunately for her, her own power won't allow it to be contained.


Lams has been left with a scrambling of her history, and knows some things she should and some things she shouldn't. Her own personal past has been mostly left a blank, only filled in by what she had on her in the moment-- a basketball jersey, a phone, and whatever else. She knows she's from Sanea, but the details elude her. She knows she probably had a good life, and wants it back.

Parts of herself start slowly revealing themself as she naturally goes back to the things she loves. Sports is a muscle memory, and she knows she likes this savory. All of these loves and passions can never be wiped away, with Lams wondering if she's a botched job at a blank slate.

Who'd want this, though? If it's not punishment, it's a gift. And who would want to grant a gift like this?

With that, she wonders if her past wasn't ever that great at all...


Lams has magic that is wild and free-flowing, a deluge of quick watery power. Reflecting her confusion and unstable sense of self, it ebbs and flows more than she'd like, and follows her like a wave. It's quick to weaponise itself for her or defend her, but rarely ever comes to support her for her high jumps and running starts.

The nature of it makes it seem like it's too much for her to handle, like something has been implanted in her that continues to grow. Llin believes it's a little piece of the otherworld-- seeping in after part of her was mixed with something else.

As she begins to regain her sense of self, it starts to aid her, yet grows stronger. Lams knows that there's a ticking clock counting down to something unavoidable, and the only way to stop it is to find who did this to her.


Deluge Blue #13b7d4



Humid Summers


  • Lams dyed her hair blue because she thought it wouldn't work on her dark hair. It did.
  • Her team number is 04.
  • Lams lied about her name because she didn't want to give up one of the few things she remembered to a weird stranger.
  • Her favorite food is pinchos and she eats kind of gross.
    • Overall, a lot of people find her a little gross. She finds nothing wrong in reusing slightly sweaty clothes and wearing the same four kinds of basketball shorts the whole week.