Llin is a human woman who stands at 6'2 and with brown skin and hair that is usually let loose or two-twisted into thick strands. She has a round face and small red marks at the bottom edges of her eyes. Both her hair and her large wings have freckles of red and white scattered unevenly. Her ears peek from her hair and are somewhat pointed.
She wears a white tank top. Over it, she wears a loose red button up falling off of her shoulders with embroidered navy patterns. Both are tucked into her blue jeans, with the button up bunched up and tied with a bow at the mid-waist. She wears a red bandana in her hair and a silver necklace with a brown pendant has accessories. She wears black socks with black sneakers that have navy laces.
- Llin is a trans woman and has a flat chest.
- Her hair texture is about 3c when properly loose.
- Her wings are approximately the size of, if not larger, than herself.
- Her outfits are either backless or have fitted slots, with the latter needing more effort to change into.
- Her color palette is loosely based on roosters.