

"If someone asked me if I knew how magic worked, I'd have to lie and say I do. Truthfully we are all in a very complicated game of trial and error."

"However, isn't that what makes magic a magic? Wonderous phenomena we don't know the workings behind. The stuff of imagination."

Wispy lights and sparkling skylines of empty but still lived-in buildings. The ever-changing landscape. This is the Otherworld, and although not understood for years, it is believed to be the source of all magic in Yemaja- the parallel of the real world influenced by the human psyche. People are not found in the Otherworld, but people's thoughts, imaginations, and feelings given form are, being a byproduct of simply living. It has existed since beyond people's understanding but has only seeped back into reality recently, causing the return of all magic.

The real world influences the Otherworld, and vice verca, with its residents leaking into reality. Monsters can be conjured and imagined from people in reality, who can escape into the real world, and then can cause invisible havoc without any prior warning. Things such as the time and weather in the Otherworld can also change on a whim depending on the public's perception in reality.

As ideas, things in the Otherworld technically have no stable form in reality and become static, normal objects when brought into it. Its sentient residents, however, may bargain for more permanent means, such as bonding an Otherworldly resident to a person's innate magic- or essentially, their soul. All the Otherworld wants is to become real.

💧 In Ticah, the Otherworld tends to take on an almost aquatic appearance with the shadows of reflected water and high humidity, mirroring the area around itself in Morro. Highly reflective “rain” passes frequently depending on the season.


It’s unknown how long ago the Otherworld persisted, but it’s known that as it began dwindling, we lost the idea of its existence. Or, rather, it retreated into its own bubble, as we focused more on our own lives and our reality. The idea of the Otherworld even existing is a recent occurrence. How do you rationalize the idea of somewhere you can’t see, travel to, or touch, but can influence?

This seal-off, although stopping travel between the worlds, did not stop its growth and change. Reality would still feed the Otherworld, and even while separated, the two would still intermingle. And when something big happens in reality, it causes grand shifts in the Otherworld.

Cue the present. In the turn of the new century, The Otherworld suddenly welled and broke the barrier once more directly over Sanea. What was it that caused it? Some blame great industrial revolutions and the rise of technology, giving us views of the future we never had before and a whole other realm of socialization. Others say that it’s our blame, that we did not keep it at bay. Some simply think it’s the manifestation of our sins and that it must be sent back where it came from.

Whatever the reason, it’s here now… and now everyone has to deal with it.


The Otherworld's residents are often capricious and malleable manifestations based on the emotions and thought in reality. The reason they are even able to hold a more "presentable" form is because of human perception. They are influenced by the feelings of people and are reactive to people's mental states, but aren't necessarily sympathetic towards them. They are drawn to people's intense feelings and will try anything to feed on them.

the word “resident” was adapted to the beings of the otherworld; they were originally called shards or monsters, but the fact that those who leech off enough become somewhat sentient led to this becoming a problem. Helia is someone from the Otherworld "filling in" for someone very important.


They usually take on the appearance of various symbols and animals, and are never truly solid, appearing as if they were drawed or halfway imagined. However, in their nature, they want nothing more than to become real. The more sentient of them are fascinated with the lives of humans and will contact magicians to try and get an insight into their lives or for ulterior motives. They exist naturally, but when allowed into reality, can become parasitic, feeding off of the potent emotions of humans.

Within their own world, they often hold a sort of hierarchy based on their sway of influence. A being that has fed off of enough human emotion can become more complete and self-realized, bringing to them a greater sense of consciousness and even a stable humanoid form. Because of this, many residents will try and bargain with magicians to become more widespread or abandon the Otherworld forever.


Magic was believed to have spontaneously returned with no source for many years. At first, a massive outcry rang out about the idea of magic being a force of ill will. The scarce evidence of it existing at all made intense reactionary statements commonplace. Many articles at the time tried easing parents that children now being born with magic traits had nothing to do with a planar influence, which would later become false.

Superstition and religion saw a surge with many "praing for protection" against its influence, and the generation born at this time (being the first magical generation at all) showed little reason to investigate magic at all. Little entertainment at the time focused on fantasy or magical plots, rather turning to romantic escapism or period dramas that showed a world that, for them, seemed "better." Many youths turned to crime and violence to cope with the weight that was put on their shoulders by the media. Some nostlagia and romanticism is held for this short-lived era by some modern, younger magicians. Currently, those born when the Otherworld was discovered are in their forties to fifties.


Traveling to the depths of the Otherworld has become a recent endeavor, as creatures within it bargain for exit and entry. Permanent access routes are few and far between for magicians, and are managed by a few individuals who tend to duties in both worlds. The almost dual-state these people live in often makes them miss their families, friends, and material lives. Others want to throw their past behind, not concerning themself with what would happen if they stayed too long in a world of non-reality.

Residents, on the other hand, are more permeable. They still would rather waste less of the precious energy they have collected, and instead, would rather bargain or find a permanent entryway.