
Personnel File

Status: active / inactive / archived

Name: Isidora Guerrera / Origin / United States Territories (Puerto Rico) / Age: 27


Isidora’s calculated recklessness and young age reflect her only knowing most of her life as what it is now. She is often listening to music and is usually the “baby child” of whatever squad she is assigned with. She has little qualms on what she is assigned to do as long as she gets to do the routine she always does, disassociating herself from her actions through them.

The tympanic and neurological modifications necessary to account for Octavia were risky. Isidora has a disconnect with some of the memories of her past, and though she has semblance of them happening, has difficulty remembering how she felt. She is grateful for what she has now, but obsessively watches over home videos and tapes to try and “reconnect” to the person she once was. She fears the day she does, wondering if she will no longer be guiltless for her actions after. She hates when people touch her collection of music, tapes, games, etc.

She doesn’t know how she spent her earlier 20’s and below. She knew she got into the program for the money and because she carried the pride of a nation attempting to appeal to the holder of its leash. Or maybe it was a crime? Or guilt? She doesn’t know. The lack of tapes after a certain point makes her fear the latter.

Isidora’s musical talent is what both keeps her sane and also drives others up the wall. She is incredibly young compared to her peers and usually focuses through music: depending on the situation she may start with a different song and end at another point. She does not like when this is interrupted, as it messes up her “flow." Isidora usually has it playing at all times.

She is often used for support and team buff, and also doubles as a sorter of radio frequencies and sounds on the field, at the cost of being overwhelmed by much normal sound. She believes she has a "humming in her ear" that no one else can hear that *also* drives people up the wall when she mentions it. It is unknown if it’s real or just a figment of her imagination.


  • baby driver but a girl. you understand
  • has a gender, allegedly
  • staring off into nothing while listening to her 342 hour playlist