Welcome to Bitcrush!

Bitcrush is a place where you'll find my more personal and less project-based stories. I like the word too much.


A bulk of this site's content is probably going to be my dreams. My dreams are usually completely nonsensical and change scenes frequently, sometimes with little to no connection to each other. These dedicated entries don't include my less remarkable or barely remembered dream scenes.

Usually I go along with whatever's in them, even if I'm lucid dreaming. They rarely are ever nightmares even if the situation is tense, with things like giant sea monster neighbors being a mild problem. What is a problem to dream me would probably be something like 911 being called 991 or me needing to flap my arms to fly. (I care about physics so much in my dreams that I have to flap my arms to fly.)


  • Pagedoll of my OC Ángel by hanphilia.
  • Background from Unsplash.
  • Open source fonts Silkscreen and Atkinson Hyperlegible.