My dreams. All paragraphs containing sensitive content will be under a dropdown.
Dreams pinned!
Nasty Ass Weed Gummy 5/3/24
There were other parts of this dream that involved many other things, like me selling off a ring that was $110 because I was scammed into buying it, me going to an island as part of my job, me going underground after committing an "illegal" act on the surface, my friends being murdered, a book telling us clues of where we should go that was color-coded to us and had our story written out in third person, a return to the surface at night and finding a secret passage, and this haunted girl who was split into herself and her shadow. But what was really important, that between this, there were nasty ass weed gummies.
They were professionally molded, and looked like dots candies. Except, they were made like shit: there were giant chunks of weed mixed inside somewhat clear, chunky gelatin. If you ripped it apart, the weed would just fall out. I didn't taste it in the dream, but I knew it tasted like raw gelatin.
This part of the dream was sequestered between parts that were tense with extremely high stakes.
Foam Labyrinth and Tower 1/19/24
I was in a massive colorful foam labyrinth where there were several beings larger than myself issuing trials. If they saw you, you would fail the trial and would have to restart. Because of this I opted to "swim" through the layers of the foam under the labyrinth. It was soft and felt like a foam stess ball and I couldn't see anything above or below me, just the bright pink and orange of the foam. After I swam through, I felt the being over my head, saying that I had passed his "trials of hospitality." He was a dark wispy purple and contrasted the labyrinth, and I knew this even if I couldn't see him. I proceeded to the next room and started running, being well ahead of those also navigating the labyrinth.
I was then in a city that was slightly above sea level. There was a large skyscraper that had clouds around it, implying it was high up. My mom says that she thinks it's impressive. I go under the building and find fog emitters at its awnings. This building belonged to a tech man that was infamous for making himself seem more impressive, So I thought the fog emitters made him a loser.
Tycoonesque 1/7/24
I had a dream where I was playing a combination of the Sims and rollercoaster tycoon that focused on a school. The graphics were like the latter. A teacher died in some sudden and ridiculous way, but it was later revealed she was in a "recovery room" somewhere else in the building. The the top-down view of the school showed that everyone was crowded outside the room, but complained that they couldn't enter. When they finally did, there were dozens of people commenting on the enviroment surrounding medical professionals doing their job. They didn't mind the visitors. I had dialogue with the teacher, who reassured me she was fine.
House of Not-Leaves and Tabletops
I had a dream where I was at some big tabletop live event. It was inside of what seemed to be a building that looked half like an EDM-blasting club and half like a public library. It was dark, only being lit up with purple and blue lights. There were two shows going on at once: One under the splotlights in chairs, and another... taking place on the floor, on a library-appropriate carpet.
Death and The End as Fish (7/22/23)
My nap dreams get weird.
I had a dream where there were two “fish” in this enchanted river that could give you answers to all life. It was impossibly deep and had kelp-like plants and coral growing within it, making it seem more like an ocean than a river. One was called “death,” and death was whale-shark sized and had small limbs with small decorative fins, along a bit wide mouth and big black eyes with yellow sclera. Death, from afar, said that he comes when he’s ready and was otherwise swimming around benevolently.
There was another fish called “The End.” it was absolutely gargantuan with a pointed mouth like a barracuda. It was a combination of animals and looked like something both mammalian and like an ancient armored fish AND like an amphibian, all extinct. I registered only parts of its body as leopard seal skin.
It was called The End as in the end of a story, and because I sought it out so early, I would die before my time, and was called foolish. It grabbed me in its mouth and started crushing me.
It changes to a story in which I am aware I am in a story and soon become the person telling it in the form of a tabletop game. If I wanted the me within the story- a part of my consciousness within a character- to survive, I needed to ensure I prevented their death. Apparently, I didn’t, and to revive them, I had to take drastic measures. I received a red bead and soon woke up.
Gods and the Laughing Cherry (7/18/23)
In a wild rainforest during a storm, I am some kind of god. It's never said what type of god am I, or if i'm really a god or some kind of spirit, but I am able to fly and I'm dripped out quite nicely. Me and the "others" are sitting under an elaborate gold-copper awning in the forest after having beat up several people spectacularly, standing by a table and a couple of pillows on the ground. Another "god" is around my age and themed around blues, being told that he is unruly and was going to get himself in trouble. Holding an enchanted piece of crumpled, stained paper, he makes a wish. His wish rendered him mortal and he says that he felt disgustingly able to die and fleshy. He then panics, attempting to make more wishes frantically to revert himself.
The scene changes and I am in a gift shop for a museum. The cashier eyes me suspiciously as if I'm not supposed to be here. Because of his constant glare, I go inside a fitting room to "jump" to another world through the mirror.
I am then inside the museum itself, while being guided around a tour about butterflies and unique flora. The tour guide remarks that the cherries on a vine he was growing were one of the few left of the world, and becuase they looked absolutely delectable, I ask him if I am able to eat one. He laughs and says it's fine. I eat the cherry and spit out of the pit. With nowhere else to put it, I dig it into the nearby ground of a purple bush and put it in. They all begin laughing hysterically and I join them.
An unrelated scene included me running from authorities in a school while under a different identity, as I was being hunted for one reason or another. If I advanced fast enough, I could reach a dragon that could give me the "cure" for the other god's mortality. Complaining to the people with me for the heist, the dream then ends.
Apocalypse Dogs and Disco Sailors (7/6/23)
I wake up in a deserted, nuclear landscape on an overcast sunset day. There's rubble all over the floor, ranging from rusted pipes to grassless ground. There's trees, but they're obviously sickly and lacking in some nutrients.
A dog appears that looks like my real-life dog, but is regarded completely differently by dream-me. It's apparently the only "clean" dog in the entire wasteland, since all other dogs either have 6 legs or are diseased in some way. It follows every single order I give it within reason, including going to specific places, fetching and coming back, etc. For some reason this makes me special since it's unnatural for there to be some kind of bond like this, and because of it, i'm immune from zombies or other beasts.
I will preface that I rarely have zombie dreams. Apparently, though, I remark in-dream that it's fairly accurate to how an apocalypse would really go: Inside I am generally safe and outside they are too clumsy using human physiology to really get someone, especially if they're in a moving vehicle. The dream implies that they're not actually infected people and instead are truly risen-from-the-grave zombies. Getting bitten wouldn't transform you, It would just cause rapid cell degredation in which you'd die faster and have a higher chance of rising up again. It was implied to be manageable, with there not being much fear around them, just pity.
The dog follows me and most of these zombies avoid me, having generally decayed senses. I go inside the home and go to the roof. What once resembled my actual house began to look like the roof of a northeastern apartment, complete with bricks and some kind of tank on the roof. It was sunset, and people were pulling on the rope of some kind of pulley mechanism. Apparently, this was to get people up fast if something had happened below, especially if they could not reach the door, walk up the steps, or turn a knob.
Suddenly, there is a tugging force at the bottom, and the zombies do become hostile: this is not implied to be normal, and it's revealed with a flickering sun and the black edges of the sky that this is some kind of simulation or godly intereference happening. An eye flickers at us from the sun, and afterwards, it is gone.
The latter half of the dream includes me and some friends on a long sailboat in the middle of the ocean, and night. It is decorated with gently glowing lights and corals, and pulses from magenta-purple in some areas to orange-yellow or blue-teal on others. It's incredibly stormy and the waves foam and hundreds of feet high, sometimes curling over the ship and blotting out the moon. As we go through the waters, we see several "death ships" with dead corals and whispy outsides. Apparently, they've done something unspeakable and have cursed themselves forever, and as we reach the shore, one suddenly rams into our ship from a terrifingly large wave. The dream ends.
Pelagious water and Puerto Rico7/2/23
Me and my family are lost in the Puerto Rican jungle that was at the time flooded due to an oncoming storm. We are floaitng along with large pieces of wood, in which my dad is almost brought down by a massive alligator. After the disturbance, it leaves fearfully, and we eventually float to an island with a massive Flamboyan tree. I climb to its top and start waving a towel as a flag, eventually, after some time, we are rescued. I think several times that it's impossible to be lost this deep when we only walked some feet from the entrance, but I dismiss it as dream logic.
A ranger of some sort pulls us out at sunset and walks beside us, and starts warning us about "Pelagious Water." It was apparently some kind of extremely basic water that would poison you and cause odd sensations. There were pools of it around the forest, and several times I was caught accidentally heading into the direction of them. Whenever I tried looking into the stone-lined pools of pelagic water, i would find no animals, apparently due to it being so extremely basic it was toxic to life.
At some unrelated point, I'm landing warframe criticals on some monster hunter-esque monster using the bow named Nataruk.
Parties, Genetically engineered Illusion dinosaurs, and the Devil 6/21/23

A long one.
WARNING: this one paragraph contains gun and physical violence. Click the dropdown to view it.
I was again, in some sort of futuristic city with long stretches of oddly green grass and long white buildings and walkways. Despite how clean and sterile it looked, dream me thought og it as old. I'm standing outside of a shop in front of the massive hotel building we were staying at, where I am suddenly attacked by people who are continously beating me. I begin to bleed and my arm is dented unnaturally. My dad is shot, and it is never elaborated if he survived or not. Apparently, this attack is targeted, which is more apparent in the other parts of the dream.
After, I walk into a dark, star-themed night party dazed with many of my school friends. This party takes place in a museum, and because of it, I'm watching a presentation on stars in one of the rooms. Some friends discuss college and ask me about my plans for the future, where I reply about finances. I'm wearing the shirt I bought at the smithsonian with constellations, with some trying to read it and complimenting it for its glowing star.
I try going back to the hotel at a time that would be the middle of the party. I'm taking an elevator up when someone approaches me and asks where I'm going. I tell them I'm going to the upper floors, and mimicking me, they say they're going up. They then push me out of the way and take the first elevator they see, which was going down. I say that they didn't read anything and shrug. The dream cuts to our room, where my toddler cousin is, playing with cardboard books. My uncle is there too, where someone says he travelled half of the U.S to get him. (He lives 30 minutes away from me.)
It's revealed that in some way, my cells have been edited by some malicious group. I have no idea which cells they are, because I'm never shown the actual cells but instead whatever structure they make. Whatever it was, it looked a bit like a feather or hair shaft with a ribbed leaflike "fin" sticking out. Dream-me remarks it looks like kelp.
I then leave the party after it's over. After a sudden change in locations, I'm now leaving my volunteer job, where it's currently dark and about 8:00pm. I'm walking out of some kind of wildlife reserve, where before, I was shown some kind of in-progress enclosure that has small faces behind screens in its walls, otherwise made of solid steel. I think about how I should've called my dad to pick me up earlier.
There's a noise and there's some kind of dinosaur-like creature near me. I hide behind a rocky mound with a crevice behind a locked shack. I see its eye looking at me from behind the rocks. For some reason, as it moves, I move around to try and not be in its sight, which was a mistake since it could hear me shuffling around in the bushes.
I look at it, it looks at me, and it doesn't attack me. As it passes by I realize half of it is a projected illusion. Turns out it can talk: it said that it was created and edited so much that half of its body wasn't even there anymore. I go to the cage where more are being held, where there's a tiny carnotaurus in there.
I tell the illusion dinosaur that whatever made it also scrambled my cells in some way too and I vow to get them out. I do, and some long sequence plays where it's revealed that the faces in the walls were never feeders or caretakers but illusions meant to promise safety. Some of them got really odd, like one giant screen showing the devil?
Sooner or later I break them all out, and the entire place starts combusting into flames. I make sure everyone got out and I hand my friend that I passed earlier at the party their jacket. The dream ends.
Nested Dropdowns, Iguana, and Jetstream Sam 6/19/23
We're at some kind of themed resturant at an amusement park that is tropics themed. There are several dishes on the menu, but all are lizards of some kind. Hearing that Iguana tastes like chicken, I decide to go with grilled iguana. The menu was arranged in little grids with pictures and was several pages long. During this, one of my old teachers apparently invites us through a dangerous hallway in a shopping center, while someone remarks "at least I could make cookies. I can't forget the vanilla." They were apparently invited by the teacher.
During this, I check a version of Yemaja hosted on a wikimedia platform. For some reason it is a dropdown nightmare, with dropdowns within dropdowns and header tabs having tables with more dropdowns. It was so cluttered and JS reliant that if I were to recreate it I would kill it instantly. The dropdowns had a dark purple background with pink text in the Rubik font, and had the same triangle as the "summary" tag. It had rounded corners. I distinctly remember hating this so much in the dream that I vowed to not let other people see it.
Finally, I saw an event where Jetstream Sam (yes, from metal gear. I have never played these games.) was blown up. Apparently this was the origin story for half of his prosthetics. They were, for some reason, blue.
Obama Highway 6/18/23

For a bit, I was in a dimension that resembled the Oneirosea, a place from our collaborative OC world that resembles the ocean and has weird geometry. Then I got lost in the Rocky Mountains in what seemed to be a trail surrounded by pine trees and found a giant sign in the style of a metro map that said OBAMA HIGHWAY (which is still the funniest thing in the world to me.) The actual Obama showed up and pointed me where i needed to go so I could reach home while i was running in the middle of the road shaking my head about car based infastructure. For some reason he asked me why I didn't have a bike. Then, there were demons chasing me on the way home, while I was thinking to myself why airports are named after presidents.
The map looked exactly like this, and was a straight line going directly east. Apparently, there were similar highways out there, but I had only seen the Obama Highway.